Jessy's Little Teaching Box

2010年2月7日 星期日

Learning in virtual environment

I agree with the point that virtual environment does benefit to second language learning, especially for the reduction of anxiety when communicate with native speakers or speak in an open environment.
I am a second language learner and I used to be an English teacher, I find that most English learners in mainland have great anxiety when speaking English, especially speak in public. This is a common phenomenon and I think most second language learners have such kind of experience. As a student who wants to be a future teacher, if the teaching environment permits, I’d like to lead students to learn second language in the virtual environment. If face-to-face communication makes students feel anxious, why not provide an environment which can make them feel more relaxing.
Class discussion on-line, chat-room, and e-mail with native speakers are all good way to increase their opportunities to participate in communication and language production. Keeping sending e-mails with native speakers can help students improve their writing skills, since you always write something or discuss something in more formal language with each other. Before sending the e-mail, you have plenty time to think over your choice of words, the native speakers can also check the correctness of you sentences. Communicating in chat-room or MSN on-line can help students improve their abilities in language fluency. Since most on-line language is informal and oral style, it can help learners to improve the ability of speaking and feel more freely and easy when communicate with others.
All the theories need to be test in real teaching practice, and several problems should be pay attention to carefully for both teachers and students, so there are still much knowledge to learn and lots of researches to do in the future before you can use virtual language learning environment to make efficient teaching and learning.

5 則留言:

  1. Thanks for this detailed reflection on the reading. For casual readers of your blog, it would be a good idea to introduce your reflection with a sentence that describes the reading and hyperlinks to the abstract online - that helps the reader to contextualize it.

  2. I am particularly interested in your point of ”for the reduction of anxiety when communicate with native speakers or speak in an open environment“ which I think is a very prominant factor in teaching practice.

  3. Hi Helen,
    I agree with you that using virtual environment can help students in learning second languages because of less pressure. As I am also a second language learner, I do feel more comfortable to communicate with others through emails because I know that I won't see others reaction if I've made any mistakes in my writing ^0^

  4. Hello again! I'm still wondering how the students' performances affect their communication in real world. Will it be the same as before? Or with the relatively satisfactory performance in virtual environment, they are more willing to speak publicly?

  5. Online chatting maybe a good way of encouraging shy students express their ideas and talk more ~
